Six Degrees of Tori
Science & Tech • Business
A group of stenographers and stenography students who share information about working as court reporters and captioners. We'll share a day in the life and other tidbits of the work of a professional court reporter or captioner.
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February 20, 2024
What is a Successful Practice?

What does having a successful practice mean to you? There are no wrong answers because we are all individuals whose paths are different (but our end goals are probably similar).

Today I had a successful practice. Why?

Because I showed myself that I could write in the mid-90s for realtime at 225 wpm. I wouldn't have passed the RT test at 96% but I came close - had 57 errors, which would've been a squeaker if I were taking a standard speed test (but of course, it was unedited).

I saw what errors I was making - what wasn't working - the word "claim" and the phrase "have you ever" - so I know what to work on!!

But here's the thing: the RVR-M is at 200 wpm, not 225. If I came this close at 225, I'm making excellent progress toward that other level.

What does YOUR successful practice look like?

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Presenting at the Law School

You all know I love giving back... and I've been speaking at the local law school for many years now, sharing with the students who will be future litigators how they can work WITH court reporters to create a truly excellent record.

I love doing this - and if you have the chance, please consider doing it in your area. The "baby" lawyers appreciated it and the next generation of court reporters will too!

February 24, 2025
25.02.24 Rituals

We all love rituals - girls nights, massages, regular workouts... but what about our working rituals?

Do you have any that ease you into your productivity? Perhaps alleviate any anxiety?

Our job as a stenographer (or captioners) is filled with stressors and if we can develop rituals for ourselves to help limit those stresses, think how healthy, happy, and productive we can become?!

February 03, 2025
Happy Court Reporting & Captioning Week!

I love this profession... and I love sharing it. Wherever you are, in whatever period in your career you find yourself, be an amazing advocate! Introduce people to this incredible opportunity for someone who loves English, the law, computers, learning... Be the little pebble that creates the ripple in the pond!

February 17, 2025
Rest This Weekend, Work This Week!
February 11, 2025

Many browsers... successful searches!

February 09, 2025
That Time You Had to PIVOT and You Were Prepared!
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