Six Degrees of Tori
Science & Tech • Business
A group of stenographers and stenography students who share information about working as court reporters and captioners. We'll share a day in the life and other tidbits of the work of a professional court reporter or captioner.
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December 23, 2024
Merry Christmas, y'all
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January 06, 2025
It's 1099 Time

It's that time of year, solos and employers in general! It's time to tally all the subcontractor invoices you paid and ensure that your numbers are correct and then make sure you have the forms that are required to file them. tick-tock... January 31st is closer than you think!

The thumbnail is the website for /businesses/online-ordering-for-information-returns-and-employer-returns

Happy number crunching - and herding those subs for their W9 forms if you hadn't already done so.

December 30, 2024
Welcome to the "In Between"

There's something about the week between Christmas and New Year's Day. It's all relaxation, food, sleep, movies, hanging out with family. And for me on a day like today, when the family starts to head back home, it's back to the office to do the "end of year" stuff - organizing, plotting and planning, clearing the desk for the next year. Brushing off my new word - "Transform" - and creating a word cloud for my banner on Facebook. Just lots of little things to get back in the rhythm of being at the desk and getting ready for the next adventure.

My gift to myself is the new hard drive in the thumbnail. New beginnings and all.

Happy In Between - and may your new year be prosperous.

December 05, 2024
Add a Bit of Gravitas

Do you do a read-on during depos? Technically, you may be required to under the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure... and in some states there is a requirement to do so. But even if you're NOT required, maybe it's a good idea?

Just a nice way to remind people that you're a professional tasked with ensuring an accurate record, that you're licensed by the State (if you are - notaries, that's a different thing), and that you'll do your level best to protect their record.

Write it out, practice it, and make it part of your routine. Just another way to set yourself apart.

I love vocabulary

Look at the definition of the word as a NOUN!!

January 01, 2025
Guiding Word

Do you choose a guiding word for your year?
I've been doing so for quite a while - here are my most recent and this year's word.

This year is a transformative one for me - I hit a milestone age and am planning on significant career changes.

If you do choose a word, it's really helpful to assess your actions, options through the lens of how that word is reflected.

May 2025 bring you happiness, health, joy, and success.

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January 01, 2025
Welcome 2025
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