Hi! First, have you taken stock of the first half of the year? Do you know how many pages you produced? What is your earnings status? Have you reimbursed yourself for mileage? (did you get the extension for the IRS taxes? have you paid your quarterlies?)
Now is a good time to take stock of how the first half of the year has gone and to see what you need to tweak or reassess your goals for 2021.
Next weekend we'll be doing the first of the Zoom education sessions - this one on the production aspect of being a working reporter. We don't all work for firms - or may not want to work for firms forever and may wish to branch out on our own - and knowing how to create the transcript in final form, ready to deliver is important.
After that, we can discuss other topics that you choose. Obviously, my "Business of Court Reporting" will always be on the table, but if you have a topic that you'd like to do as a Zoom meeting, let's plan it.
There will be more videos this month - my birthday month was crazy busy and that's why I've not been on as much - and I'm also taking inventory of my time in the day... There never seem to be enough hours, but YOU, my friends, colleagues, and soon-to-be colleagues, are important and need to stay near the top of the to-do list here.
Have a safe holiday weekend. I know I'll be spending it playing catch-up on pages, and I do hope to be caught up by Monday evening. :)
You all know I love giving back... and I've been speaking at the local law school for many years now, sharing with the students who will be future litigators how they can work WITH court reporters to create a truly excellent record.
I love doing this - and if you have the chance, please consider doing it in your area. The "baby" lawyers appreciated it and the next generation of court reporters will too!
We all love rituals - girls nights, massages, regular workouts... but what about our working rituals?
Do you have any that ease you into your productivity? Perhaps alleviate any anxiety?
Our job as a stenographer (or captioners) is filled with stressors and if we can develop rituals for ourselves to help limit those stresses, think how healthy, happy, and productive we can become?!
I love this profession... and I love sharing it. Wherever you are, in whatever period in your career you find yourself, be an amazing advocate! Introduce people to this incredible opportunity for someone who loves English, the law, computers, learning... Be the little pebble that creates the ripple in the pond!